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What are premium connectors, and how they will help you close deals

Picture yourself walking into a room full of powerful people that you’re dying to meet. You’re feeling totally nervous, except something remarkable happens. The host of the event grabs your hand and escorts you around to introduce you to all of their friends. That introduction by the host makes it a breeze to drum up a conversation with these influential people. It’s much easier for you to highlight your commonalities, because you have already been vetted by the host who introduced you.

In today's fast-paced business landscape, establishing real connections and earning trust is imperative. Prospects are inundated with cold outreach, and it's easier than ever to drown out the noise. In the world of sales, where options can be overwhelming and lead to analysis paralysis, trusted advisors and relationships play a pivotal role in guiding purchasing decisions. 

We know relationships, trust, and credibility are paramount in today’s modern buying cycle, but building this rapport takes time, and sometimes requires an assist along the way. Leveraging the power of a premium connector associated with a LinkedIn influencer program is the fast way to tap into the relevant contacts of industry veterans. 

So, what’s a premium connector? 

You can think of premium connectors as incentivized influencers that help your team connect with highly sought after people at your target companies. Like that generous host that helped you acclimate at the big event, premium connectors are essentially paid partnerships that connect your company with an influencer’s vast network. 

Similar to how affiliate marketing has become a standard in the B2C world, we believe premium connectors are the new way for B2B companies to conduct their business.

Hifive has cultivated a group of 80+ (and rapidly growing) movers and shakers in their own spheres as part of our LinkedIn influencer program. These people have a ton of influence and credibility in their specific spaces and are able to leverage their networks to help your company reach your target buyers in an organization. 



When you sign up to work with a premium connector via Hifive you will be matched with someone who suits your business’s needs. You’ll be added to a private Slack channel for direct access to your connector, and they will be available to you to provide 3 intros per month. With a premium connector you instantly get access to networks and introductions that would otherwise take years to cultivate.

What are the benefits of tapping into a LinkedIn influencer program of premium connectors?

  • High-quality leads: Getting an intro from a LinkedIn influencer is like a match made in closed-deal heaven. Because the intro is coming from a trusted mutual connection, the premium connector, you already have more than a foot in the door in terms of commonalities. You can skip over the cold outreach and jump right into the relevant discussion about how working together might be mutually beneficial. 


  • Hiring: In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition it’s all about who you know, and who knows you. With premium connectors, gain access and credibility with your target recruits. When a potential target hire first hears from a mutual connection, rather than a recruiter, the outreach can go a lot further. Premium connectors help to establish trust between your company and the people you are looking to hire, instantly making you a more desirable workplace.


  • Partnerships: In the world of partnerships, it’s all about reaching the right people in the right organizations at the right times. Navigating company hierarchy to find those precise people can be like a maze without a map! Let premium connectors guide you in finding the right people that are ready to connect and collaborate with you. 

  • Nudges: When it comes to a deal going stale, a nudge from a trusted connector can be exactly what’s needed to bring it back to life. By reaching out to a premium connector for an intro to someone in their network at your prospective company, you might finally be able to reach the person needed to reinvigorate internal consideration of your product.

With Hifive’s premium connectors you can develop paid partnerships with people that want to help open doors for sales, hiring, partnerships, and much more. Lean into the power of existing relationships from trusted advisors that help you and your product reach your target leads faster. Skip the line and get ahead with a premium connector, and start gaining access to top-tier introductions right away. 

Frequently asked questions


Premium Connectors

Gain access to top-tier introductions.  Supercharge your inner circle. 

Bonus: Want to become a premium connector?

Premium connectors are people who are already making intros in the wild. They thrive off of making connections, and now they can be compensated for giving others access to their influence. Join the growing network of Hifive premium connectors so you can be rewarded for making valuable introductions, while helping businesses reach their goals.

Apply Today ➡️ 

The premium connector program is entirely opt-in, and you can selectively agree as to with whom you’d like to grant access to your network. You are able to evaluate whether their business is a good fit for the connections in your sphere, and you are not required to reach out on their behalf if you don’t think it’s the right match.

Posted November 3, 2023